As a tributary to the James River, Blackwater Creek winds its way through the heart of Lynchburg Virginia. Like many of the streams that make their way through mountains and foothills, natural erosion of the streambank is part of life. Add the influence of urban living and increased flood events and erosion can be destructive. Within cities and villages, waterways like Blackwater Creek are crossed by a number of pipelines, sewers and other infrastructure. Preservation and stabilization of banks in these areas are critical. Access is always a challenge and the need for a solution that will last a lifetime is critical. Brandon Alderman and his team at AECOM worked with the City of Lynchburg and Envirolok to develop a fully vegetative solution that provides bank stabilization and infrastructure protection. The low impact solution allowed the project team to reuse toe stone to prevent scouring. Due to the shallow bedrock in the stream, the engineering team integrated a geogrid reinforced wrap to prevent slipping and movement. Additional geogrid and earth anchoring systems were installed along the 15'+ banks.